

  • Studying the historical trajectories of the territories.
  • Studying the perceptions regarding climate and anthropic changes.
  • Mapping the economic activities in the study areas.
  • Study of the management of natural resources.
  • Studying the local economic and power groups (corporate groups).


WP2.1 studies the human behavior in the face of resource depletion and use, to understand the human-environment relationship, map regional resource vulnerabilities, and to determine directions for the future of this common good (WP3).

Associated projects:

ECOBOOM (Political and moral economies of the “extractive boom” in the “great transition”): The ANR ECOBOOM project proposes an analysis of contemporary transformations in the mining sector in the energy transition, and its effects on operating methods and territories. It is part of a North/South perspective, which extends from extractive territories to national and global scales to compare two parallel but connected extractive processes: the boom in the extraction of metals of the energy transition (MTE) and that of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) which particularly affects the gold sector.

Contact: Claude Le Gouill: claude.legouill@ird.fr

Franck Poupeau: franck.poupeau@cnrs.fr

Pilcomayo (Vulnerabilities and adaptations to changes in water resource availability in the Pilcomayo – Gran Chaco transboundary basin): The project focuses on the transboundary watershed of the Pilcomayo River (Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina), with regard to the mining impacts of the upper basin and adaptations to climate change in the water sector.

Contact: Claude Le Gouill: claude.legouill@ird.fr

Marc Pouilly: marc.pouilly@ird.fr
